Monday, August 30, 2010

Xbox Live Price Jump. Is It Worth the Leap?

Hey everyone. J.P. here with the latest in news of the Gaming World. In the world of Microsoft, it has been announced as of November 1st, the price of Xbox Live has increased by $10. This will make the year subscription for the Gold Membership to $59.99. The Silver Membership will still remain free for anyone that wants it, but remember that it won't allow you to have the online features, like playing online, Netflix and whatnot.

Electronic Entertainment Design And Research, or EEDAR, analyst Jesse Divnich stated that the $10 increase is still a great value for all the stuff that Xbox Live offers. To be honest, I do not feel that it is worth the $10 increase unless you actually use all the extra crap that is on Xbox Live, like Twitter, Facebook, ESPN, Video Kinect and Netflix (The only thing I use out of that stuff is the Netflix). I think that Microsoft should allow the users to have the options if they want to use all the other EXTRA Apps (except Netflix... We need our Netflix on the XBox. Ha Ha), then they can go for the extra $10 a month. If the users do not wish to have use those extra things then we should not have to pay the extra money for something we won't ever use.

He goes on to say that the data they have collected from their consumer pools indicate 30% of Xbox 360 consumers have played a video game online 15 times or more in the last 3 months, compared to 23% for the PS3 and 10% for the Wii. Well No Shit Sherlock. There have been a lot of great games that came out for the Xbox 360 in the past few months and people like to play with their friends online. The data only states for playing video games online, not using all that extra crap applications. VIDEO GAMES! Jeeze, What Morons! They also state that the fee will do little to impact the "positive momentum" of the Xbox 360. Greedy Bastards they are if you ask me. Who knows, soon they might charger you by the minute to talk to your friends like a phone service over Xbox.

I love playing online with my Xbox 360 and I like some of the features that are presented like playing with friends online and Netflix, but that is it. I do not think it is worth paying $10 extra a month to use stuff I will never use.

Well, that's it from me. Let me know what you think of this and until next time. Keep on Gaming.


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