Sunday, September 5, 2010

Duke Nukem Forever AT LAST!

Hey. J.P. here. I was too excited when I heard about this that I didn't want to wait a week to make the post. Remember the awesome game of Duke Nukem? How the character wowed us with all the great weapons and sayings like "Hail to the king baby" or "Come get some." Oh I love those games and still play them. I still own and play Duke Nukem: Zero Hour and when Xbox Arcade released Duke Nukem, I was on it like white on rice on a paper plate in a snow storm. It was great. What about the ever so fable Duke Nukem Forever? The game that was announced in 1997 but was never released? What the hell happened? Well I shall tell you. 3D Realms wanted to make this Duke Nukem game the best it could be. The latest and greatest game ever. Duke Nukem Forever is actually supposed to be the sequel to Duke Nukem 3D which was released in 1996. Everything had to be perfect for this game, thus the delays. Unfortunitly so much time had passed and it seemed what was to be the greatest game ever would just be a myth of legends... Last year, 3D Realms went broke and the game was to be never seen again... Or so we thought.

The creators of the ever popular games "Borderlands" and "Brothers in Arms", Gearbox Software, got the rights to the game. With help from former 3D Realms employees, they have been working hard on the game and announced to the world that Duke Nukem Forever will be released in 2011. The game will be released for PC, XBox 360, and PS3.

I know, I cried as well when I heard the news. The tears flowed of waterfalls from my eyes. I am just finally glad that they are finally going to release a game that should have been released a decade ago. This was a game that many people grew up on and brought joy into our lives.

Well, I am J.P. and until next time, Keep on Gaming.


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