Saturday, October 2, 2010

6,000 Years and Counting...

Hey everyone. J.P. here with the latest news in the Gaming World. It has been a busy week for me but also for Halo: Reach. Upon its first day release, the game has made over $200 Million smackers. That is some big green there. That isn't even the craziest part about it. In the first week of its release, it has already accumulated 6,000+ years worth of game play. That is a lot of weekday all nighters. The thing is, even though Halo: Reach has a lot of game time already put into it, apparently it hasn't even touched the number of hours that have been put into Modern Warfare 2. I am a bit afraid to even know what those numbers are due to the fact that I have added a lot of those hours to the chart. The third place winner is none other than Halo 3. So even though there is still time for Halo: Reach to still get those hours in, I feel it won't last long when Call of Duty: Black Ops comes into play. That game is going to be sooooo beautiful. It might be good enough to knock Modern Warfare 2 out of it's big title.
My big question though is, which game has the most amount of hours spent playing ever? My guess is on either Tetris or Zelda. Let me know what your guess is and until next time. This is J.P. and until next time. Keep on Gaming... You know I will.


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