Monday, December 13, 2010

Uncharted 3... Excitement begins NOW!

If you have ever played any of the Uncharted games, you cannot help but think they are awesome... Because they are. I had to go to GameXCape to play the games because I do not own a PS3. Not complaining though since I spend most of my time there anyway. Anyway... you should know that there is going to be a third game called Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception. This game starts of with Drake wondering through the deserts of Africa. Completely far off from where the other two games started. The game is set to be released 1-1-11. At least that better be the release date according to the trailer and not some crap like they will give out more information then or something... I dunno.

Here is the Trailer:

There is another good set of news for the Uncharted series. They are going to make a movie based off the game. I am a bit disappointed because the chose Mark Walhberg to play Drake. I am not saying anything bad about Markie Mark. He is completely badass in Shooter. To be honest, I kinda picture myself as him when I play any game as a sniper... "I'm Mark Walhberg. Always get the girl, Always get the kill." Awesome. Back to what I was saying, I really felt they needed to get Nathan Fillion because he really looks exactly like Drake. As if Naughty Dog had been watching a non-stop marathon of Firefly and thought to themselves, "Hey... Nathan Fillion looks AWESOME! Hmmmmmm..... Drake needs to look like him." And BAM! There is Drake. Oh well.

I mean compare and judge for yourself.

Well, that is all I have for you now. I am J.P. and that is the latest news I have for you on the game cord. See ya next time.


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