Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Nintendo's New Console: Info and How it Could Fail

Is this the new console?
Oh man, to say I am excited for Nintendo's next console, codename Project Cafe and/or Stream, is an understatement. For those of you who may be out of the loop, here is a quick refresher to get you up to speed:

Note: I shall refer to the console as Stream from this point out.

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Gears of War 3 Beta and COG Tags Giveaway Winners

Well that was fun. I like the way that turned out. So I will probably do some more giveaways given the chance. Thanks to all those that participated. Winners and their captions after the jump

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Looking Ahead: Notable Releases This Year

So here is a list of upcoming games for this year that you should probably keep and eye out for. Is this an all inclusive list? No. Are all of these games going to be triple A titles? Probably not.

That being the case, this list will not contain stuff like Ninjabread Man or Imagine Babyz. As time goes on I will add to this, take some stuff on, put actual release dates, and add info for some of the games. So consider this an eternal work in progress list.

More after the Jump! -->

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

This Black Ops Zombie Trailer Makes Me Hate Black Ops Less

To be honest, I've only played Call of Duty: Black Ops once, and that was last week to boot. It's not that I hate it, it just had no draw for me. I love shooters but I felt as if Activision was trying it's hardest to try to squeeze the life out of the Call of Duty franchise like it did with Guitar Hero.

And while the previous few map packs were pretty much just cash ins for Activision, it seems they may have swayed me a bit with this new reveal here. Sure you get a few new maps for the multiplayer, but the real draw is the new Zombie map and characters.

So I ask you, what do George Romero, Machete, Freddy Krueger, Buffy, Michael Rooker, and zombies have to do with Black Ops?

Hit the jump for the M for Mature trailer.

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Gears of War 3 Beta and COG Tags Giveaway

So, I know you guys like free stuff right? And some of you guys like Gears of War right? Well I've come to put those two thing you like together as a giveaway for Gears of War 3. I got a single beta code to give away and a set of COG tags (similar like the ones above) from Gears of War 2!

Hit the jump to find out how.

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Things to do with your PS3 without the Playstation Network

Yes it has been a sad week for PSN users all over the world. Due to a DDoS attack/Haxxorz/"Emergency Maintenance"/Fake Dev Accounts Sony has had to shut down the Playstation Network until possibly sometime within the next week.

But not all is lost! Remember back in the olden days before the internet when you actually had to go out into the world an interact with people in real life? You could go play sports, go to the movies, or even go to the mall and hang out. Actually, Playstation Lifestyle has a great review on this idea and some of you guys should probably check it out.

Now, for the rest of you who deem actual social interaction with those in the outside world harmful to yourself and especially others, here are some ideas to keep your PS3 on even though the PSN is off.

More after the Jump! -->

Sunday, April 17, 2011

New Video Game Releases 4/17 - 4/23

First off, yes, that is a picture of Threads of Fate; a PS1 game for those of you unfortunate enough to NOT play it. It's one of the games releasing this week and I am for one giddy that I will be able to play this on my PSP and PS3 without having to worry about tearing up my physical disc!

Moving on, a new week and with it comes another edition of New Video Game Releases! This time, I'm including Xbox Live (XBL) and Playstation Network (PSN) releases. I may add more to Wiiware and DSiware if I can find a list.

So what are you guys looking forward to? Some co-op goodness in SOCOM 4 and Portal 2? Or maybe you're more of the competitive type and want to tear some people into pieces in Mortal Kombat? Let us know in the comments (after the jump)!

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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Nintendo to Unveil Wii Successor at E3?

Hopefully more than just two Wii's duct taped together.

File this under rumor for now, but Game Informer apparently has multiple sources saying that Nintendo plans on showing off their new console around E3.

This would somewhat explain why the Wii lineup for new releases has been kind of dry in recent months. With Nintendo only having Skyward Sword and the the sequel to Wii Play officially on the books, it would point to Nintendo pulling resources from Wii development to focus on a strong lineup for their new console.

But that aside, what do Game Informer's sources have to say about this new console? Hit the jump to find out.

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Pokémon: Global Link is Live and New Download Event

I know some of you out there are Pokémaniacs or Pokémon Masters so here is some news that you might not have heard of yet.

First off, after a short delay, the Global Link service for Pokémon Black and White went live on the thirteenth of this month. With it you can link you version of the game use the Pokémon Dream World and the Global Battle Union.

Dream World allows you collect items, grow berries, customize your home, and even meet Pokémon you wouldn't normally meet in your version of the game. Of course some of the stuff you collect can be transferred over to your copy of the game.

The Global Battle Union lets you check your online battle stats and lets you see how you rank against all the other Pokémon Trainers in the world.

So make sure you connect and get even more value out of your Pokémon games!

The second Pokénews is a special Secret Egg distribution going on at Toys R Us from April 27 through May 31st. Though the Pokémon that they egg can hatch into are catchable through the regular game, they will probably have some special Egg Move or stats that people will want. 

Or maybe you just literally want to catch em all? 

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Gameboy Advance: My Favorite Games Part 2

So with the GBA celebrating 10 years, decided to look at some of the games that kept me busy on long road trips, on the school bus, and camping trips even. 

In case you missed it, here is the first part of my list of favorite GBA games. Last of my list after the jump.
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