Sunday, April 17, 2011

New Video Game Releases 4/17 - 4/23

First off, yes, that is a picture of Threads of Fate; a PS1 game for those of you unfortunate enough to NOT play it. It's one of the games releasing this week and I am for one giddy that I will be able to play this on my PSP and PS3 without having to worry about tearing up my physical disc!

Moving on, a new week and with it comes another edition of New Video Game Releases! This time, I'm including Xbox Live (XBL) and Playstation Network (PSN) releases. I may add more to Wiiware and DSiware if I can find a list.

So what are you guys looking forward to? Some co-op goodness in SOCOM 4 and Portal 2? Or maybe you're more of the competitive type and want to tear some people into pieces in Mortal Kombat? Let us know in the comments (after the jump)!

More after the Jump! -->


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