Monday, September 5, 2011

New study highlights role of genetics in recovery from eating disorders

A significant number of people with eating disorders like anorexia nervosa have chronic studies. Are underweight and have a great chance of dying from malnutrition. No medication has been found that helps people who are chronically ill. Now, a new study sheds light on why some people have bad results.

An international team of scientists led by researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine (UCSD), and the Scripps Translational Science Institute (STSI) in La Jolla, CA, has identified possible genetic variations that could affect the patient's recovery from an eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia. Their findings, reported online in the Journal Neuropsychopharmcology, may provide new insights into developing effective interventions for more treatment-resistant patients with these disorders.

"This study highlights important ' or ' genetic variations SNPs within a person's DNA, associated with long-term, chronic eating disorders," said Walter h. Kaye, MD, Professor of Psychiatry and Director of the UCSD eating disorder treatment and research program, who was a senior writer with Ph.d., Nicholas j. Schork, Director of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics to STSI and Professor at the Scripps Research Institute. "These variations indicate genetic Predictor for patients who may be especially susceptible to eating disorders and diseases are more difficult to treat effectively.

Kaye said such genetic traits are also linked to people with higher and higher concerns over mistakes – characteristics associated with anorexia and bulimia.

Researchers from the Institute for collaborative study was responsible for the collection of data of the study, scientists at UCSD and STSI led the design of the study and analysis of results.

According to lead study author, cinnamon Bloss, PhD, Assistant Professor at the STSI, conclusions could ultimately help pave the way towards a more individualised approach in treating patients with eating disorders. "Anorexia and bulimia which possibly originate from many different causes, such as culture, family, life changes and personality traits," Bloss said. "But we know biology and genetics is important in terms of cause and can play a role in how different users respond to treatment. Understanding the genetics behind these treaties are important because ultimately that could help us customize treatment based on the genetic makeup of individuals, with the aim of more personalized and effective treatments. "

Anorexia and bulimia are serious and complex psychiatric disorders. Anorexia nervosa is characterized by an inability to maintain a normal body weight and a relentless pursuit of lachaniase, bulimia is characterized by recurrent episodes of binge eating. Recent studies, researchers, including Kaye speculate that anorexia and bulimia may share some risk factors, and that patients can be genetically predetermined to have personality traits and moods that make them susceptible to eating disorders.

"People with anorexia in particular are often resistant to treatment and lack of awareness of the medical consequences of their behavior, which can lead to chronic, prolonged illness and even death," said Kaye. "Became a problem for us, ' Prognostic factors Exist that could help clinicians to identify good versus poor results for treatments, including medications and psychotherapies? '"

The research team studied a total of 1,878 women in large-scale candidate gene Association study that was designed based on assumptions regarding the genes, pathways, and biological systems involved in sensitive to eating disorders. Most were people with lifetime diagnosis of either anorexia or anorexia and bulimia, hosted and lower body mass index, higher and higher concerns over mistakes from control issues.

Scientists identified then the top 25 most statistically significant SNPs (single nucleotide-other), after assessing a total of 5,151 SNPs in approximately 350 genes. According to Bloss, 10 of the 25 most strongly associated "haplotypes" (combinations of alleles for different genes are closely together on the same chromosome and who tend to be inherited together) involved in GABA genes, SNPs. An intronic SNP on chromosome 4 gene GABRGI showed the strongest correlation in chronic symptoms. "The study suggests that genes can be pre-dispose people in a cycle of chronic eating disorder," Bloss said, adding that additional studies are needed to confirm these compounds.

Provided by the University of California-San Diego (news: web)

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